Toitū Tahua - Inclusion Summit
“Kotahi te aho ka whati; ki te kāpuia e kore e whati”
One strand of flax is easy to break, but many strands together will stand strong – King Tāwhiao

Thank you Toitū Tahua: Centre for Sustainable Finance for hosting an amazing #inclusionSummit. It was an honour to meet passionate leaders and record the kōrero.
We need to take action now to break the barriers for financial hardship. The emotional and mental stress people need to go through to get assistance. Put the humans at the centre of our systems.
Heard from speakers Ciara Sterling, Steve Tindall, Nicola Eccleton, Māhera Maihi. What an incredible vibe.
Kapai for pulling this altogether Bella Conyngham. Love your mahi Kaye Maree Dunn Judy Whiteman
Lastly a huge shout out to Sagorika (Rimi) Datta for all the active listening and harvesting to make our mahi possible!