Te Aho Mutunga Kore Community Forum

"Politicians need to see how museums and communities are working together. Why should we need to plead for funding?"  This was one of the most poignant quotes from the Te Aho Mutunga Kore (TAMK) Symposium.

TAMK is Auckland Museum's new textile and fibre knowledge exchange centre for Māori and Pasifika communities, launched in 2023 with the generous support of Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage.

TAMK is opening doors for future generations, putting taonga in the hands of people, creating a ripple effect of change 🌊 (in the way museums approach collections).

Some of the key 🔑 messages we heard:
☀ These taonga are the Sacred of the Sacred
☀ We need to allow communities to discover (taonga) for themselves
☀ The work that we do is always UNSEEN
☀ This is tranformational change we can be part of
☀ Women's voices are missing
☀ We need to pass on these (traditional weaving) skills to our mokupuna so they can take action.
☀ Let's create a ripple effect to shape the way museums approach collections

Thank you Te Aho Mutanga Kore for hosting an amazing community forum.  You were very hospitable with all the kai and arrangements.  It was an honour to meet passionate weavers, historians and record the kōrero.